For expanded information please click on each meeting.
OHRIFG in association with The Scottish Entanglement Alliance Workshops in the Outer Hebrides
DescriptionThe purpose of the workshops is to let creel fishermen find out more about the recent trials of negatively buoyant rope.
Wednesday 12 February Dark Island Hotel Benbecula 6-8 pm
Outer Hebrides RIFG Meeting
DescriptionAgenda and note attached for meeting on 31 January 2025.
Previous minutes also attached.
Please contact Alasdair Macleod for further details at
Teams Meeting Link below,
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 379 272 519 047
Passcode: jt6Xj6yL
For organizers: Meeting options
Orkney RIFG Meeting January 2025
DescriptionThis meeting of the Orkney Regional Inshore Fisheries Group will be held at the Stromness Nav School and online, through a Teams link (below) All commercial fishermen are invited.
Katy McDonald Principle Marine Survey Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Aberdeen will be attending. Any complex questions for the surveyor should be summited in advance to the Chair, Phil Bennett, by phone on 07305 212429 or by email,
An agenda will follow but items from the meeting held on 22/10/2024 will be rolled forward. One of the subjects for discussion will be the priorities for Orkney within future marine planning and these will be included in discussions with relevant Marine Directorate departments and Scottish ministers.
Teams Link: Orkney Regional Inshore Fisheries Group | Microsoft Teams | Meet-up-Join
Outer Hebrides Consultation Meetings - December-January 2025.
DescriptionMeetings held in Tarbert, Stornoway, Benbeccula, Barra, please see attached for details and agenda.
Summary of meetings will be attached soon or please contact
Shetland RIFG Meeting
DescriptionFor a link to attend remotely please email
Orkney RIFG Meeting October 2024
DescriptionThis meeting of the Orkney Regional Inshore Fisheries Group will be held at the Stromness Nav School and online, through a Teams link (below) All commercial fishermen are invited.
A surveyor from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency will be attending. Any questions for the surveyor should be summited in advance to the Chair, Phil Bennett, by phone on 07305 212429 or by email,
One of the subjects for discussion will be the priorities for Orkney within future marine planning and these will be included in discussions with relevant Marine Directorate departments and Scottish ministers.
The Teams link to the meeting is
FMAC Inshore Subgroup Meeting #7
DescriptionFMAC Inshore Subgroup Meeting #7
Tuesday 27th August – 14:00 until 16:00 via MS Teams
Orkney RIFG Meeting 7.30pm
DescriptionThis meeting of the Orkney Regional Inshore Fisheries Group will be held at the Stromness Nav School and all commercial fishermen are invited.
A surveyor from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency will be attending. Any questions for the surveyor should be summited in advance to the Chair, Phil Bennett, by phone on 07305 212429 or by email,
Jack Farnham, Development Manager, West of Orkney Windfarm, will be attending and share a presentation about the construction phase of the project. This will include the methods which will be employed to bury the transmission cables etc and he will answer any questions fishermen may have.
If any fishermen are unable to attend in person, but would like to be involved, they can contact Phil, by email, for a virtual link to the meeting
An agenda will be published nearer the time
FMAC Inshore Subgroup Meeting #6
FMAC Inshore Subgroup Meeting #6
Tuesday 04th July – 10:00 until 12:00 via MS Teams
1. Welcome, introduction and general update from the Marine Directorate
2. The inshore roadmap - a look back and a look ahead at a wider suite of measures
3. Any other business
4. Closing remarks
FMAC - Scallop Sub Group - Meeting 2
DescriptionAttached are Note, Presentations and Terms of Reference.
Fisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC)
DescriptionJoin online below.
Agenda and previous minutes attached for last 2 meetings.
Microsoft Teams Need help?
Meeting ID: 331 240 587 819
Passcode: cpxL87
Dial in by phone
+44 131 376 2847,,714154449#United Kingdom, Edinburgh
Phone conference ID: 714 154 449#
For organisers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN
Shetland RIFG Meeting
DescriptionFor a teams link please email
Orkney RIFG Meeting April 2024
DescriptionThis meeting of the Orkney Regional Inshore Fisheries Group will be held at the Stromness Nav School and all commercial fishermen are invited.
Katie Cubbon, the Community Catch Orkney Pilot Scheme Coordinator will be attending. Katie will deliver a presentation about the Community Catch Scheme, the potential benefits for local fishermen and be available to answer any questions fishermen may have.
Also attending will be a surveyor from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. Any questions for the surveyor should be summited in advance to the Chair, Phil Bennett, by phone on 07305 212429 or by email,
If any fishermen are unable to attend in person, but would like to be involved, they can contact Phil, by email, for a virtual link to the meeting
An agenda can be found in the attached documents
FMAC Inshore Fisheries Subgroup Meeting #5
DescriptionFMAC Inshore Subgroup Meeting #5
Tuesday 16th April – 10:00 until 12:30 via MS Teams
FMAC Inshore Fisheries Subgroup Meeting #4
DescriptionFourth meeting of FMAC Inshore Fisheries Subgroup to focus on possible use of interim measures as part of the roadmap for inshore fisheries improvement.
Orkney RIFG Interim Meeting (on-line only)
NW RIFG Meeting February 2024
DescriptionMeeting to be held in Broadford on 13th February 2024
Orkney RIFG Meeting January 2024
DescriptionOrkney Regional Inshore Fishing Group is here to give the Fishermen of Orkney a strong voice in these challenging times. Your views, knowledge and experience are much needed to ensure Orkney is at the centre of future planning;
Invites have been made to Mark Shiner, Head of Stromness Nav School, to share information about the proposed changes to training requirements for new entrants; and to Stuart Bell, Marine Directorate, Scottish Govenment, to give an update and answer any specific concerns.
Fishermen are encouraged to participate but if you are unable to attend in person, please feel free to contact the Chair, Phil Bennett, directly to discuss any issues you want to be raised. (Phone: 07305 212429 or E-mail
FMAC Inshore Fisheries Subgroup Meeting #3
DescriptionVirtual meeting #3 of Fisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC) subgroup focussing on inshore fisheries matters.
1: Welcome, introductions, actions of previous.
2: RIFG Update.
3: Inshore fisheries management improvements.
4: Break
5: Improving the inshore evidence base.
6: Delivering ecosystem-based management.
7. Update on scientific trial for razor clams.
8: AOB.
Shetland RIFG Meeting
SWRIFG Quarterly Meeting
DescriptionQuarterly Meeting
SW RIFG Meeting Solway Fishery
DescriptionSolway static gear
Orkney RIFG Meeting September 2023
DescriptionOrkney Regional Inshore Fishing Group is here to give the Fishermen of Orkney a strong voice in these challenging times. Your views, knowledge and experience are much needed to ensure Orkney is at the centre of future planning
Shetland Regional Inshore Fisheries Group Meeting
DescriptionFirst meeting of Shetland Regional Inshore Fisheries Group. All fishermen welcome.
Fisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC) Inshore Fisheries Subgroup Meeting # 2
DescriptionThis subgroup of the main FMAC forum convenes national RIFG Chairs alongwith fishing industry reps, academia and environmentally focussed organisations to help shape the development and practical implementation of key inshore fisheries managment policies. It will utilise a co-management approach to develop solutions to difficult nationwide fisheries management and conservation challenges within Scotland’s inshore area (out to 12 nautical miles).
Fisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC)
DescriptionFisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC)
Orkney RIFG Meeting June 2023
DescriptionOrkney Regional Inshore Fishing Group is here to give the Fishermen of Orkney a strong voice in these challenging times. Your views, knowledge and experience are much needed to ensure Orkney is at the centre of future planning. This will also be an opportunity to meet the new Chair, Phil Bennett and to ask direct questions of a representative of Marine Scotland, who has been invited to attend.
North West RIFG Meeting May 23
DescriptionQuarterly meeting of the NW RIFG held in Ullapool in May 2023
Fisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC) Scallop Subgroup
DescriptionInitial Meeting
Fisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC)
DescriptionFisheries Management and Conservation (FMAC)
November - West Coast RIFG meeting
DescriptionWest Coast Regional Inshore Fisheries Group
29 November 2022 - 14:00
11 November 2022 - North and East Coast Regional Meeting
DescriptionA regular meeting took place online 13:00 - 15:00
03 October 2022 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionThe chairs of all local RIFG's met on 03 October 2022, agenda and minutes can be found here.
July 2022 - RIFG Chairs meeting.
DescriptionThe chairs all met on 12 July 2022, Agenda and Minutes can be found here.
Outer Hebrides Regional Inshore Fisheries Group Meetings
DescriptionMay 2022 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionThe chairs of all local RIFG's met on 09 May 2022, Agenda and minutes can be found here.
February 2022 - WCRIFG
DescriptionThe WCRIFG Management Committee met on 04 February 2022 via Microsoft Teams.
January 2022 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionThe Chairs of all local RIFG's met on the 24th January 2022. Agenda and Minutes can be found here.
DescriptionThis is a meeting of the North & East Coast Regional Inshore FIshery Group
Outer Hebrides
DescriptionOuter Hebrides RIFG Meeting - 03 December 2021 - Starting at 10:30 - 15:20
November 2021 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionThe Chairs of all local RIFG's met on 23rd November 2021. Agenda and Minutes can be found here.
November 2021 - West Coast RIFG Meeting
DescriptionWCRIFG Update on projects, work of the RIFG and other matters arising.
Scotland’s Scallop Sector Working Group (SSSWG)
DescriptionNote of Meeting
4th November 2021 - Online via Microsoft Teams
7 October 2021 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionVia Microsoft Teams - 1pm - 3pm
August 2021 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionVia Microsoft Teams 1pm - 3pm
August 2021 Scottish Scallop Sector Working Group Meeting
DescriptionOutcome paper from SSSWG Management Sub Group, intended to asses current management measures for scallop fisheries management and assess existing options and proposals for fisheries improvement.
West Coast RIFG Management Committee Meeting
DescriptionForthcoming West Coast RIFG Management Committee Meeting to be held online on Thursday 22nd July, starting at 12:30
05 July 2021 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionVia Teams 1pm - 3pm
June 2021 - North & East Coast Seaweed Cultivation
DescriptionA new business opportunity for Aberdeenshire: Seaweed Cultivation
26 May 2021 - NECRIFG Meeting
DescriptionVia Teams 1pm - 3pm
10 May 2021 - RIFG Chairs Meeting
DescriptionVia Microsoft Teams 2pm - 4pm
31 March 2021 - RIFG Chairs Gathering
DescriptionAgenda - 31st March - 14:30 - 16:30 - Via MS Teams
19 March 2021 Outer Hebrides RIFG Meeting
DescriptionCommittee meeting via zoom - Friday 19th March 2021 at 10.30am
March 2021 - Cockle meetings
DescriptionCockle Fishery Meetings
March 2021 - Outer Hebrides - Note of Cockle Fishery Meetings
DescriptionProductive meetings were held with community interests in Harris, Uist and Barra to consider the reent cockle survey completed by the Outer Hebrides Fisheries Trust. Officials from Marine Scotland (MS) Policy, Science and Enforcement, NatureScot and CNES were in attendance at all meetings.
February 2021 - Outer Hebrides Cockle Meeting
DescriptionOuter Hebrides RIFG Meeting
Tuesday 16 February 2021
1400 - 1500 via Zoom
Meeting ID: 918 3498 1600Passcode: 683388
Telephone Dial in Number:0131 460 1196 United Kingdom
February 2021 National Chairs Future Fisheries Management Strategy Meeting
DescriptionRIFG Chairs – Future Fisheries Management - (FFM) Strategy Forward Planning Meet will take place on Tuesday 9th February 2021, 14:00 to 16:00Via MS Teams.
January 2021 - National Chairs Meet
DescriptionThe Chairs of all local RIFG's met on 19th January. Agenda and Minutes can be found here.
Brexit and Our Fisheries. How it Will Affect You
DescriptionAs we approach the deadline for the transition period, This online meeting with a presentation from the Brexit Team will help unravel the complexities of hw it will affect you, with up to the minute updates of the final talks with the EU.
Joining details: Zoom, Friday 18th December at 16:00hrs
Login: 895 9821 3897,
ID: 256737
November 2020 West Coast Regional Meeting
DescriptionA West Coast Regional Meeting, hosted on zoom, took place on 11th November.
September 2020 North East Coast Regional Meeting
DescriptionThe North and East Coast Regional meeting took place on 18th September 2020, via Zoom.
August 2020 - Outer Hebrides RIFG Pot Limitation Sub-group
MS Teams, Pete Middleton, CNES
Tuesday 11 August 2020 1000 - 1200
February 2020 - OH RIFG Meeting
Committee Room 2, CNES, Stornoway
Friday 28 February 2020 at 10.30am
February 2020 - Outer Hebrides RIFG Pot Limitation Meeting
DescriptionPot Limitation Pilot meeting held in Stornoway on 27th February 2020.
January 2020 - NEC RIFG Meeting
DescriptionNorth and East Coast
Regional Inshore Fisheries Group
Friday 24 January 2020
November 2019 - Outer Hebrides RIFG Committee Meet
Committee Room 2, CNES, Stornoway
Friday 1 November 2019 at 10.30am
September 2019 - NECRIFG Meeting
DescriptionNECRIFG Updates
August 2019 West Coast Regional Meeting
DescriptionThe WCRIFG Management Committee met on 20 August at the Optima, Glasgow..
Paper 1 Scallop Management Report
Paper 2 Limiting Creel Numbers
Paper 3 WCRIFG Fisheries Management Plan Review
Paper 4 Work Groups Updates - Mull Pilot
June 2019 - Outer Hebrides RIFG Committee Meeting
DescriptionOuter Hebrides Regional IFG Executive Committee Meeting
1030 – 1330 28 June 2019
Committee Room 2, CNES, Stornoway
June 2019 - Outer Hebrides RIFG Pot Limitation Meeting
Note of Pot Limitation Sub Group, Committee Room 1 CNES, 7 June 2019 at 1400
May 2019 Aquaculture Work Group
DescriptionThe Aquaculture Work Group met at Atlantic Quay, Glasgow on 14 May. A note of the meeting can be seen here.
April 2019 North and East Coast Regional Meeting
DescriptionMarch 2019 West Coast Regional Meeting
DescriptionThe WCRIFG Management Committee met on 27 March at Atlantic Quay, Glasgow. Joined by video connections from Aberdeen, Ayr and Stornoway, a well-attended meeting was updated by means of presentations on a number of current activities.
Minute (draft)
Paper 1 West coast scallop fishery mapping exercise
Appendix of proposed scallop areas
Paper 2 Position Statement on the Laying of Subsea Cables
February 2019 - Outer Hebrides RIFG Committee Meeting
DescriptionOuter Hebrides Regional Inshore Fisheries Group Committee Meeting on 1st February 2019.
January 2020 - West Coast RIFG Meeting
DescriptionWest Coast Regional Inshore Fisheries Group
Management Committee Meeting14th January 2020 10:15-15:00 hours
The Regional Inshore Fisheries Groups (RIFGs) aim to improve the management of inshore fisheries in the 0-12 nautical mile zone of Scottish waters, and to give commercial inshore fishermen a strong voice in wider marine management developments.